My Ride

When I am not driving to work, I take the jeepney. For me, that's a good way to save money, save the environment and be reminded of where I used to be. 

One thing that I have always wondered about myself when taking the jeep, though, is how, when the driver seems in a hurry to get all of us passengers to our deathbeds, I could not tell him to slow down. The same can be said about those drivers that play music so loudly my ears could bleed. I know that my safety is at stake and have all the right to complain, but I just couldn't find the courage to do so. 

Once I was close to doing it, then I noticed somebody I knew on the same ride. I hesitated and let the whole thing pass. I didn't want to be embarrassed. I thought, it was not common for jeepneys to crash this side of the city, anyway, tail wagging between my legs.

I guess that's it. Fear of embarrassment stops me from speaking up for my and everybody else's safety. Truth is, sometimes I do not ask for the one-peso change anymore just so I could avoid having to yell at the driver for it. It's different with cabs, though. It's not difficult to tell cab drivers to slow down or drive safely, as either I am the only one in it or I am with friends. With complete strangers, however, I would not be able to stand the thought of them staring at me after complaining aloud as if I were some poor little thing. What if the driver ignores me? Worse, what if the driver cusses back and drives even more dangerously? With these idiots on the road, you can never really tell. I would rather have my rights as an individual be a thing for the books.

Maybe one of the reasons why I never want to stop taking the public transportation is the challenge. I posed that as a challenge to myself many years ago, to be able to comfortably stand up for my rights when the situation calls for it. I don't want to keep on ignoring this disregard for how things should be.

I am not sure if other passengers feel the same way I do or if they are just used to how these public transportations do not have any care for safety, good service or plain courtesy. I can't really say which one is better. 

Then I wonder why corruption is everywhere in government. With people, me included, not speaking up for something so important as safety, I can just imagine how many more social ills we are tolerating. 

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