
I have been weaning myself out of the comforts of driving to work these days. Besides the fact that the expense of doing so has reached a level that can no longer be called rational, I like to think that I am, in my own way, helping the environment...
Alright, fine, I am being a scrooge, but this is not about me being
unable to part with my millions...well, it doesn't hurt to dream, does it?
A few nights ago, after another late night off from work, I took the jeepney home
. It is not often that I do this, but I took the spot beside the driver, at the front seat. Minutes passed, and I was just a few meters from my stop. Then, I was the only one left. The rest of the passengers had already gotten off. I was lost to thinking whether I should have another stick on my walk home or start taking quitting smoking seriously.
"Where do you get off?", I heard the driver say, interrupting my thoughts.
I said where without looking at him, thinking he was just trying to be a
conversationalist. I have met drivers who talk non-stop just when I am about to answer when they ask, "Where to?", almost not minding wherever it is they are taking me to. So, I thought, this was going to be just another intelligent exchange...
"That's the problem with you people! You don't pay the exact amount. You
say you are getting off here, but none of my passengers had given 11 pesos! Everyone should have gotten off by now!"
I thought, wha-? Not again!? What he just said was too familiar to
ignore. So, before I said another word, I had to look at him to be sure my mind was not playing tricks on me. It wasn't. For a split second, I was convinced this was a proof of what some may call "eternal return". It was the same guy who said the same thing to me and another passenger a few months back! I remember yelling at him, then, to eat all the 1-peso coins in the world.
Still flabbergasted, I told him, rather surprisingly calmly, "You already
said that to me before..." That caught him off-guard.
Then, followed an unintelligent exchange of untelligible 
Cut the story short, I had not waited long before I got off. I know how people
like him could be utterly crazy. Some would even go as far as slitting your throat for minding the way they drive. That moment, I made a decision to choose battles wisely. And wisely is not getting injured or killed or be jailed over one peso, so I walked away.
No, I brisked away thinking he might run me over for telling him how nobody knows who his father really is, not even his mother.

For all its worth, this experience has actually taught me five things:
1. It is not worth getting rushed to a hospital or getting jailed over
one peso. Two pesos is a different story altogether, though...
2. It is very important to know how to choose your battles wisely, and
that walking away does not always mean surrender or assent to an injustice.
3. There is a reason why people aspire to be rich and buy cars they can
afford to drive to work.
4. It is a good idea to be rich, buy three buses and run drivers like
that over three times.
5. It is a dangerous business getting creative over cuss words.

I take the cab more often now. It's still cheaper than driving to work. 

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