
Low-Key Photographs

Photo opportunity in my kitchen

Some hotel lobby

Globe Tattoo Pocket Wifi: A Review

After moving in to my new place, one of the first things that I took care of was Internet connection. I looked for something that would not take long to install, and preferably, without a contract that will require me to keep the connection for a year.

Globe tattoo’s pocket wifi fits the requirements. I only had to pay Php 1495 for the unit and then Php 999 as an advance payment for the plan.  The only thing needed from me besides the payment was two government IDs, and two hours later, I could start using any of my phone, laptop or desktop PC to connect to the internet.


I had become very comfortable with my last apartment, so I looked for a reason to loathe the landlady
and my 50-year old, next-door neighbor to justify moving to a new place. It was not difficult. I only had to think about them and realized I should congratulate myself for having lived there for years without developing some sort of heart disease.

That old home is actually nice, strategically located (walking distance from the highway, where I could get buses, jeeps, and cabs), and peaceful. Neighbors would go about their own businesses, and in fact, I rarely saw any of them. The problem was I had no problems, so I left.  Staying in a place for some time and actually loving it makes me uneasy. It is worse than the unease I feel with my next-door neighbor's moans while having sex with whomever she picked up on the street. Or my landlady's gossips about how the couple in unit A have each of their own families making the place their secret love nest.